Smart Healthcare & Sensors Assisting Real-time Body Analysis
6 years ago

Smart Healthcare & Sensors Assisting Real-time Body Analysis

Backdrop: Smart healthcare — Smart sensors monitors the human body stats realtime and so making the treatment proactive then being reactive. Various sensors can let doctors monitor people realtime and remotely. Increase the life expediency and quality of life. 

With the introduction of Internet of Things (IoT) a lot has changed in a number of industries in order to hit the path of betterment. The health care industry is one such area when it is successfully been utilized for improved health outcomes.

The IoT is slowly permitting the health care industry to lower its dependency on humans. Although IoT medical devices might not always astonish the everyday consumer, these devices are steadily improving health care and offering early diagnosis and treatment for serious issues.  With time, the smart healthcare market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 24.55% during 2016-2020.

Smart Sensors

In several industries, sensors have developed to play a vital role in the detection of biological, chemical, physical signals etc. In healthcare, for delivering care directly to the patients, sensors offer the mechanical vision for analyzing, counting, sorting as well as robotic guidance.

Smart sensors in the medical field are capable collecting the patient data dynamically to motivate preventive care and diagnostics along with the measurement of treatment results. This device is quite helpful as it reduces effort and saves time both for the patient and the doctor.

Effective Features of Smart or Medical Sensors

  • Early alarm for medical problems: Depending on the requirement, different types of sensors are available in the market which generates analytics to alert doctors. These sensors can indicate signs of heart failure, stroke, kidney failure etc, before the adverse effects start. For example: for the detection of cancer at an early stage, the use of injectable biosensors is preferred.
  • Neural Technologies:  Smart neural sensors can be seen as an asset for patients for the management of conditions like Parkinson, rheumatoid arthritis or neural bypass technologies concerned with paralyzed patients.
  • Automate Smart Medical Devices: Due to its increasing demand, sensors are successfully used to automate smart medical devices. In order to fulfill the real-time patient need, various smart devices are developed which combine data analytics and sensor data to regulate medication delivery.
  • Administer Chronic Conditions of Patients: Several tiny, high-resolution sensors permit patients and doctors to keep a check on real-time patient chronic condition like heart disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes etc. Also, for providing real-time recommendations for patients different advanced analytical engines are there to monitor signals from compound sensor types.

Types of Sensors in Medical Sector

The use of sensors works to combine analytics and sensor data, based on which reports are made which highlight the patient’s early health condition. Hence, depending on the requirement different types of sensors are being used. The various types include:

  • Wearables such as Fitbit, digital watches, etc, implanted or wear on clothes as well as accessories.
  • Blood sampling sensors like glucose meters.
  • Ingestible rooted in pills which get dissolved.
  • External sensors like blood pressure cuffs & pulse oximeter etc.
  • Epidermal sensors such as digital tattoos and patches.

Also, tissue embedded sensors like pacemakers & defibrillators.

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